Original and Unusual: our next Live Exhibition!

Our 10th exhibition at Elmslie House in Malvern showcases a selection of paintings and original prints by a wide range of artists active in the 1950s and ‘60s.

It includes works by Katharine Church, Garrick Palmer, Rowland Suddaby and a range of works by John Piper and there will also be a special display of low cost etchings, lithographs and woodcuts by the characterful German printmaker Heinz Fleischer and the Manchester-based artist Norman Jaques.


Friday 26th May: 6.00-8.00 pm Private View: please contact Richard Turkington to confirm your attendance

Saturday 27th May: 11.00-4.00 pm

Sunday 28th May: 11.00-3.00 pm

Monday 29th May to Sunday 4th June: 11.00-4.00 pm

The Fifties Art Café will be open each weekend offering teas, coffees, delicious home-made cakes and savoury treats for lunch.

Please contact me if you and your friends/family would like your own personal ‘quiet viewing’ outside these times.


Elmslie House, 8 Avenue Road, Great Malvern, WR14 3AG

Built in the 1860s in the ‘free gothic’ style, Elmslie House is a restored Grade II listed family home close to Great Malvern station, and its hall provides a unique and elegant venue for the exhibition


For more information about the exhibition please email richard@fiftiesart.com

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