The View from the Fifties: the exhibition had around 500 visitors!
Our first exhibition was an amazing success with around 500 visitors over 8 days. There was something for everyone, with around 75 pictures and a range of genuine ceramics, fabrics and home accessories.
The show had 3 main themes: Prints and Printmaking; Scenes from Everyday Life and Landscape into Abstraction. A couple of ‘School Prints’ and 2 large abstract works caught people’s attention on their way into the exhibition.
What surprised me was how everybody could identify with the fifties, 2 elderly couples spotted the Polish Cmielow coffee sets they’d had as wedding presents, and everybody recognised something from their childhood or their grandparents’ homes.
An amazing 14 pages of comments captured people’s enthusiasm, here are just a few:
“A fascinating and evocative collection. We enjoyed it so much.”
“Wonderful, the items were so well chosen.”
“Brilliant show! What a great period…….”
We’ll certainly be holding another exhibition – so please join our mailing list to be the first to hear.
These photos show the location and interior of the exhibition.
Richard Turkington